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The Next 6 Months

Anneline Lober

2016 was an immense year for me. I got engaged, and I married the man of my dreams. I also received the job promotion I had been praying for. But in 2016, it was also the year my body decided failed me… and I was diagnosed with tumors in my breast. After undergoing many treatments, a change of lifestyle, and two surgeries, I was told that this would be my "new normal." I was told that I would need to come for scans every six months, and that I should reconsider or think twice about ever having children. Little did I know that the growth hormone, which is released during pregnancy, can also cause the tumors to grow… wait, what!… At first, I was in complete shock; but that shock quickly turned into doubts, fears, anxieties, and disappointments. I remember leaving the doctor’s office, flying back to Doha, and having the words on a constant replay in my mind. I kept thinking: What now? Why me? Wasn’t the treatment and the surgeries I went enough to clear it all? This isn't fair. How do I tell my husband? My friends? My family? Aren’t these the things that society and life "expect" from you, how it’s "supposed" to be?… You get a job you enjoy, you settle in a career, you get married, and you have children? The only thing I could think of doing in that moment was to pray because I know with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” The following Friday in church, I asked the elders to pray over me just like it says in James 5:14.“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” And so, I decided that day that I was going to change my way of thinking from fear and anxiety to hope and faith. I completed my usual, six month check-ups, and each time I was cleared with only having fibroadenomas lumps. And then in February 2020, I missed my period and we thought there was a chance we could be pregnant. So, I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist in such excitement, however, I was diagnosed with two fibrosis in and on top of my uterus… and I was scheduled for another surgery. Yet, due to Covid, my surgery was postponed until July 2020, but this allowed us more time to pray over the situation. So, I had the elders and the community around us pray over me… And then a miracle happened!… During my surgery, the doctor was unable to find any fibrosis or tumors! She even had to call for a second opinion I was clean and cleared!

Jeremiah 29:11-14, “’For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.”

In May 2021, I noticed I had missed my period again. At first, I thought it may be the grief I was experiencing due to a family loss. Or because I may have fibrosis or a tumor again. I was scheduled in for my six month scan, and that’s when the doctor spoke the most glorious words… “Congratulations, you’re pregnant!”... We are now expecting our baby boy in February 2022. ​God knows our future, and He has the best plans for you. Whatever seems impossible for man is always possible for God. Seek Him first and the rest will be given to you.


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